Beth & Meaghan Cotter

What is GoodOne?
GoodOne is a mobile app that is all about loving who you are by creating small moments of connection with yourself and other people daily. The app is based on a list of character traits that positive psychology research shows foster a greater sense of well-being. We wanted to figure out a way to get people to engage with the world around them in positive and meaningful ways everyday, hoping these moments would make people feel more empowered, and more connected. The app begins with a personality test, which generates a plan for improving your well being starting with three character traits suggested for improvement. These words form your “Daily Do’s”. The daily challenges in these words can be reaching out to a stranger, paying it forward or taking part in a self-reflection exercise. The app assesses your mood before and after you complete these challenges, which helps to measure if interacting with these traits really improves your mood and well-being. The hope is that, by engaging in small ways, and sharing who you are in connection with others, you can increase your sense of self worth and feeling good.
What was your experience in Build Social?
BUILD Social helped us understand how integral both the social impact and the revenue model are together. We learned how much your social impact really matters, especially when pitching to investors. At the same time, you need to show you can function as a business. The BUILD Social class brought us to the BUILD community, which you become a part of without any questions. That’s really powerful. You feel part of an innovative, insightful community. And it’s real. People aren’t just saying they’re going to help you out – they really do. Watching everyone, including us, grow through the class was really insightful and motivating.
“The BUILD Social class brought us to the BUILD community, which you become a part of without any questions. That’s really powerful. You feel part of an innovative, insightful community”
What is your long-term vision?
We’d really like to open a young adult empowerment and wellness center. We want to change the way people look at health care. We want to focus mostly on our age group and our generation especially because there really aren’t any targeted health care services for that demographic. You make massive life decisions in your 20s that determine the rest of your life and we want to help people make those decisions from a place that’s true to yourself. The app is a starting point for that.