Janae Griggs
P.I.N.K. Detroit

What is P.I.N.K. Detroit?
P.I.N.K. Detroit is a nonprofit women’s organization whose focus is mentoring at-risk young girls grades 6-12 across metro Detroit. We provide tangible role models our youth can relate to and all of our mentors are college students or recent grads. Our mission is to empower girls to succeed by increasing their self-esteem and building positive relationships.
What was your experience in Build Institute?
I started a similar organization, I AM P.I.N.K., while I was living in Ypsi. Once I moved to Detroit and took Build it put things into perspective. I’m originally from Detroit but coming back to the city it was so different from how I remembered it. Build connected me to resources and helped me think bigger picture. I saw it could be more than just an idea, it could be as big as the Girl Scouts.
What are your most recent developments?
We recently restructured the program and opened it up to 5th graders. We are also organizing our 3rd annual Glitz & Glam Prom Affair. It’s a donation drive for prom dresses for high schoolers, which I started after overhearing two girls talking about how expensive going to prom was. I realized I had my old dress hidden away in my closet and knew a lot of my friends probably did too. We’re collecting dresses until April 12th so drop yours off today! (drop off locations are: D:hive, 1253 Woodward, She’s Happy Hair Store 2407 E. 7 Mile, Zarkpas Purses & Accessories 214 E. Grand River)
What’s in the future for P.I.N.K. Detroit?
I hope it will grow beyond Detroit and become a something every young girl participates in. I would also like to have a permanent physical space for our programming so it can also function as a community center, where people can gather and be surrounded by a positive and supportive environment. I want every girl to be P.I.N.K.!