
J. J. Richert


InPro Enterprises

What is InPro Enterprises?

InPro Enterprises aims to help people get independent access to basic needs and ultimately increase their quality of life. InPro supports people with traumatic brain, spinal chord injuries and other disabilities. Our mission is to provide innovative vocational rehabilitation opportunities for our clients. We employ several of our clients to create artwork in our workshops – everything from paintings to ceramics to woodworking.

What was your experience in Build?Inpro

Build was a great opportunity to get an inside look into what is going on in the city. It was a great opportunity to network and be a part of something greater than myself and be a part of the greater community. Build was key for me in understanding different revenue streams and led to me looking into better fundraising, media channels and grant writing.



“Build was key for me in understanding different revenue streams and led to me looking into better fundraising, media channels and grant writing.”

What is your long-term vision?

I want to keep coming up with innovative ways for people to obtain and maintain employment and sustainably develop skills to maintain employment. Also, most of our programs are in the suburbs – I’d like to expand into Detroit and have both urban and rural locations.