
Monike Welch



What is YumDelish?

YumDelish is an overall experience of dipped fruit and sweet treats! I am the third generation of female entrepreneurs. I started in 2008 making treats for a friend’s baby shower and YumDelish took off, and fell into my lap. Believe it or not, I am a pretty basic cook. However, I have a passion for creativity which contributes to my success. The fun part is customizing each order from weddings to the annual Bravo! Bravo! event here in Detroit.

What was your experience in the first Build class?

It was awesome!  It was eye opening, especially the financial part, which really helped my business grow.  Before I was undercharging because I did not know how to price my products, so I changed my prices and not the quality.  I then began to see profits.  When people hear I have gone through the Build program, they are impressed.  Graduating from the program is almost like having an entrepreneur certification.  It lets people know that you know business and you mean business.yum delish

 “Graduating from the program is almost like having an entrepreneur certification.  It lets people know that you know business and you mean business.  


What are your recent developments?

In the beginning, I was doing event planning, and then I created YumDelish.  I have recently been going back to my roots and making it a “one stop shop” and my network has really grown within the entertainment industry.  I have built relationships and now my customers have turned into genuine friends.  I am taking my time opening a shop but in the near future, I will be looking for a location.

What is your long-term vision?

I would like to franchise YumDelish and have multiple locations in the metropolitan Detroit area and on a national level.  Aside from the business part of my life, I would like to mentor young girls and teach them everything I know.  I will eventually have interns who can learn the importance of a blueprint on how to run a business.