
Additional Resources


Start a Business in MI – Step-by-step paperwork, filing fees, and processing times to start your business. It will help you file formation documents, obtain tax IDs, and set up company records.

Michipreneur – An online publication built to empower entrepreneurs, encourage investment, strengthen small business, and foster talent retention in Michigan by publishing news, resources, events, funding information, and more for Michigan startups and businesses.

DEGC – A non-profit organization that works closely with the City of Detroit and other partners to support existing businesses and to bring new companies and investments to the city.

Insyght – An online service that combines an extensive inventory of business resources with technology to provide the resources at the right time to growing businesses, and generate date to drive informed economic development decisions.

Business Model Canvas – An online business model canvas software that outlines several prescriptions which form the building blocks for the activities, as well as enabling both new and existing businesses to focus on operational as well as strategic management and marketing plans.

Detroit SCORE – A resource partner with the Small Business Administration (SBA), dedicated to entrepreneurial education. SCORE provides mentoring for small business owners, at every stage, utilizing a large network of volunteers, across 62 industries.

Marketing & Design

Adcraft Club of Detroit – A catalyst that brings together the Detroit advertising and marketing communications community to exchange ideas, support and educate their membership and young professionals, recognize and celebrate great work, and foster creativity in their various crafts and greater community.

Brand Camp University – Brand Camp University is an interactive conference that brings together the best and brightest minds in communications, marketing, brand development and business management to explore how social media has revolutionized the way individuals and companies position their brands.

Good Done Daily – A design company that creates unique brand identities and experiences, packaging, way-finding, book covers, and more.

Data Driven Detroit – A statewide organization with a focus on the city of Detroit that houses a comprehensive data system that includes current and historic demographic, socioeconomic, educational, environmental, and other indicators, in which to drive informed decision-making.

Squarespace – Two online resources to make a mobile-responsive website.

7.2 Square Mile Report – Captures current information on residing, working, employing, visiting, living, playing, and investing in Greater Downtown, as well as helps us to understand where we were, where we are, and offers a glimpse into where we are going.

Detroit Future City – A framework for decision and policy making that reflects the best of Detroit’s imagination and innovation to create a more prosperous, connected, and sustainable city.

Signal Return – A traditional letterpress print shop located in Detroit’s own Eastern Market.

Moo – Online resources for printing business cards and identity collateral in large and small quantities.

ColorPointPrinting – Local print company for postcards, business cards, flyers, etc.

Small Business Development Center – Provides counseling, training, secondary market research for new ventures, existing small businesses and advancing technology companies; positively impacts the economy by strengthening existing companies, creating new jobs, retaining existing jobs, and assisting companies in defining their path to success.