Miriam Pranschke
Boro Resale
Tell us about Boro Resale!
Miriam Pranschke: Boro Resale is a consignment resale clothing and accessories shop. We offer independent, designer, and vintage fashion. Bring your clothes in or shop for clothes!
The name of the business originated while living in Portugal with her husband. While we were there one of the first visits was to the museum of urban design. They had an exhibition on boro which was practiced by rural Japanese in the 19th and 20th centuries. Boro is the practice of reusing scraps of fabric and clothing and sewing them into “new” usable garments.
How did you start Boro?
MP: I was working at a consignment store in Grand Rapids and I was so inspired. I’ve always thrifted since I was little. I’ve always loved thrifting. Part of my business is called the charity consigner program. Basically what you can do as the consigner is you can designate all of your earnings or a percentage of your earnings to a revolving organization that I choose. I have organizations in mind that assist the Detroit community with equity and mobility that I want to donate to.
“I felt camaraderie during the class sessions. I liked being in a class environment that was small.”
What was your experience with BUILD?
MP: I felt camaraderie during the class sessions. I liked being in a class environment that was small. The last class stands out. That’s when we had our pitch. I did feel more confident after that particular portion of it. There are at least 3 or 4 people that I’m still in contact with. It’s cool to see updates in their business life!
What’s next for Boro?
MP: Renovations! The plan is to open in May. We have a lot to do the next 3 months. In the next couple years, I do want to see growth with the business. I want to make sure the consigner charity program is working. In terms of huge growth for the business, I want it to succeed. But I don’t ever plan for this to become any kind of chain – I don’t want growth in that way. I want it to be here [in Detroit].